by jo | Nov 11, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Travel
Last Sunday marked 25 years since the Berlin wall fell. But in reality, it didn’t just fall. That’s passive. It was torn down. With bare hands. It was pulled to the ground. And for the first time since before Hitlers rule, Germany was again a united...
by jo | Nov 4, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Published Pieces
Here’s a throwback from the archives! Story takes place October 2012. First published in the Enterprise Record. It was a Friday afternoon and my friend Stephanie and I were shopping in The Salvation Army, looking for fun and funky dresses for a photo project. As...
by jo | Oct 28, 2014 | Everyday Stories
photo credit: stuant63 via photopinccI don’t know if somehow I knew the story of Tom Sawyer attending his own funeral, or if my little mind just found a loophole in how dreams are supposed to go, but as a toddler I had a recurring dream where I died and then the dream...
by jo | Oct 20, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Myths & Cliches
Tackling myths & cliches: Everything Happens for a Reason “She’s not going to die,” she said to me, her eyes wide, her hands on both of my upper arms, desperation and edge in her voice. “What are you going to say to me when she does?” I wondered silently. My...
by jo | Oct 14, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time
photo credit: Flickmor via photopin cc This is hard for me to write, even though I’ve been saying it with my actions and body language for more than a year now. I don’t trust the Church. And that breaks my heart. Like the admission, “I don’t trust my husband,” or “I...