by jo | Aug 25, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays
I don’t see very many writers who even try to write about the hard things, so the fact that I do it at all seems to set me apart somewhat. The writers that do, do it incredibly, and I learn from them regularly. But that’s something I often hear as feedback: You write...
by jo | Apr 14, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time, Memoir & Essays
“Do you know of any churches in Denver?” I texted a pastor I know from California when I had just moved to Denver last fall. He texted back right away: “Scum of the Earth Church. Pastor is Mike Sares. We went there last summer. If you want to go, I’ll let him know...
by jo | Mar 24, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays, Stories By Jo
We sat in a small, barren classroom with approximately twelve standard table desks, in three rows of four. A green chalk board spans the length of the front wall, and a small wooden podium sits off to the side at the front of the room — it holds handouts and chalk,...
by jo | Oct 20, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Myths & Cliches
Tackling myths & cliches: Everything Happens for a Reason “She’s not going to die,” she said to me, her eyes wide, her hands on both of my upper arms, desperation and edge in her voice. “What are you going to say to me when she does?” I wondered silently. My...