by jo | Jul 7, 2015 | Everyday Stories, fitness and health, Memoir & Essays, Travel
I wanted to climb another 14er. And I wanted to climb it alone. Colorado calls mountains above 14,000 feet in elevation “14ers” and they have many of them in the state. The previous fall I had climbed my first — Mt. Bierstadt, 14,060’ at the summit, 2840’ elevation...
by jo | Jun 23, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays, Travel
I convinced her to do the hike with me. It’s called the Devil’s Punch Bowl. Some of the reviews and bloggers were surprisingly dramatic about how hard of a hike it is and how much water you need to bring with you. (One blogger suggested something like 5 gallons per...
by jo | Apr 30, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Travel
” I feel like it’s time for you to come here so we can have an adventure.” I posted that on my friend Lizz’s facebook wall a couple months ago, completely serious, but not knowing where it would lead. My wanderlust was just acting up, and I...