by jo | Dec 16, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time
I was sitting in a new church, in a new city, feeling very unknown again for the umpteenth time. It was my first time to the church, and while it felt warm and welcoming, I still felt new, knowing not a single person there. It was the end of actually a really...
by jo | Oct 20, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Myths & Cliches
Tackling myths & cliches: Everything Happens for a Reason “She’s not going to die,” she said to me, her eyes wide, her hands on both of my upper arms, desperation and edge in her voice. “What are you going to say to me when she does?” I wondered silently. My...
by jo | Oct 14, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time
photo credit: Flickmor via photopin cc This is hard for me to write, even though I’ve been saying it with my actions and body language for more than a year now. I don’t trust the Church. And that breaks my heart. Like the admission, “I don’t trust my husband,” or “I...
by jo | Jul 8, 2014 | Everyday Stories
A few weeks ago I wrote my own eulogy. It’s a writing exercise I’d heard of many times, but one I had never done. But, I’ve thought about my own death since I was a young kid. As someone who always assumed I’d die young (a belief I’m just...
by jo | Apr 15, 2014 | Everyday Stories
I’ve always been independent, as far as I can remember. When I was young I would say I was a lot like a cat. I loved to be loved. But I loved to go out and hunt and do my own thing. I had the domesticated, relational side of me, and the side that didn’t need anyone...