by jo | Jul 21, 2015 | Memoir & Essays
I’m not dating anyone right now. But I can guarantee you one thing: if I were, about 50% or more of the people in my life, upon me saying I was dating someone, would ask two questions: What’s his name? Does he love Jesus?/Is he following the Lord?/ Is he a christian?...
by jo | Jun 30, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time
This is not an opinion on the passing of the marriage equality law. This is not an opinion on homosexuality. This is an opinion about people who call themselves christians. And the heavy weight that entails. In my blog post a few weeks back, I wrote, “even with...
by jo | May 26, 2015 | Everyday Stories
I wrote this poem almost exactly two years ago about some of the people in my hometown. I have moved away now, but they are still people whose faces light up when they see me in town, who hug me and ask how things are and are willing to hear the honest answers. They...
by jo | Apr 14, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time, Memoir & Essays
“Do you know of any churches in Denver?” I texted a pastor I know from California when I had just moved to Denver last fall. He texted back right away: “Scum of the Earth Church. Pastor is Mike Sares. We went there last summer. If you want to go, I’ll let him know...
by jo | Apr 7, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time, People I meet, Reviews/Recommendations
I met him once, briefly. “Sit, with the opportunity to listen to one of the ‘saints in the land’ speak… this morning,” were the chaplain’s closing remarks of introduction before Brennan took the stage. “In the words of Francis of...