by jo | Mar 3, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays
Eleven years. It’s been 11 years since she died. My older sister. Julie. Two years ago on my birthday, I wrote a column about celebrating even when it’s hard, and I talked about when my sister died, and the birthdays that followed. In the piece, there was this line:...
by jo | Feb 24, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Stories By Jo
One time a story saved my life. That’s sounds dramatic, I know. It’s still true. I was 14 when my older sister died. I let grief dictate life for a year. I mean that I did not give in and grieve, rather, I shoved everything to the shelves of my mind, I...
by jo | Feb 17, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays, People I meet, Stories By Jo
photo credit: Ti scriverò…. via photopin (license) The idea came in waves. As a journalism student in college, I was always writing news articles that answered the big 6 questions: Who, what, where, when, why, how, and the bonus 7th question: so what). My senior...
by jo | Feb 10, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays
Story continued from last week’s Part 2 post. (read here) Some names and identifying circumstances may have been changed for the sake of those involved. (If you don’t read it all, scroll to bottom for the most impactful photo project I’ve ever been...
by jo | Feb 3, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays
Some names and identifying circumstances may have been changed for the sake of those involved. “I don’t forgive you.” Those were the words I wrote near the beginning of the letter. He’d written me a letter apologizing for a mountain of pains and wounds, and asking me...