by jo | Jun 9, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time, Memoir & Essays, People I meet, Travel
photo credit: Lower Floor. via photopin (license) I met a man in Seattle recently. His name was Sean. He was in Pike’s Place market, his worn backpack and layers the only things suggesting he was without a place to stay. I may have taken him for a wary tourist if he...
by jo | Oct 7, 2014 | Everyday Stories
“You can get whatever you want, but it needs to be under $3.” I was familiar with these words as my mom and dad would say them to us three kids every time we got the treat of eating out as a family at McDonalds, or even better, at Burger King. It...
by jo | Jun 3, 2014 | Everyday Stories
He just stared at me as he sat, his mouth never moving from that seemingly permanent frown. His eyes were open wide though, and they were on me. Not in a predatory way. Not in an offensive or angry way. Just observing, intently, as he sat silently. One of the perks of...