by jo | Mar 1, 2016 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays
When I was a probably four or five years old, I really wanted a horse. I’d been praying for one for a long time. Our next door neighbors had a pasture with horses in it. Our next door neighbors on the other side often had horses in their pasture. And while we...
by jo | Dec 16, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time
I was sitting in a new church, in a new city, feeling very unknown again for the umpteenth time. It was my first time to the church, and while it felt warm and welcoming, I still felt new, knowing not a single person there. It was the end of actually a really...
by jo | Oct 14, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Jesus Time
photo credit: Flickmor via photopin cc This is hard for me to write, even though I’ve been saying it with my actions and body language for more than a year now. I don’t trust the Church. And that breaks my heart. Like the admission, “I don’t trust my husband,” or “I...