So, I’ve now officially moved back to the states.  I still accidentally catch myself telling people about “where I live in Switzerland” and I have to correct myself with “well, where i lived.”

I’ve never really permanently moved away from anywhere before.  I moved away from oroville, but I still come back here on most breaks from school.  I moved away from San Diego when I moved to Switzerland, but I knew I had to go back at some point to finish up school at loma.  But now, all of a sudden, I feel that i’ve actually experienced my first real move in life.  and i feel something very akin to grief.  I feel culture shocked and jet-lagged and swine-flued. I’ve been back a full week now, and I’m honestly struggling to adjust back into things.  and i think maybe part of me doesn’t want to adjust.

and i don’t know why it feels like this.  I love being home.  I always love being home. i have amazing friends and family and friends who’re like family.  but i’ve also made some really great friends who’re also like family and now i live half a world away from them.  and my heart hurts.

I keep telling myself to be grateful for the time I had in switzerland.  and I am grateful.  I also am a little bit scared though.  This last chapter of my life was honestly extraordinary.  and I’m a little bit afraid of what it will be like to go back to normal life.  But, i’ve got this crazy plan…

the plan: trust got to continue making my ordinary life a full life, an extraordinary life.  that’s pretty much all i’ve got right now.  i don’t know what this next chapter will feel like.  I’m gonna try to let God continue to do incredible stuff in and through me though, and I’ll let you know how that goes.  In the meantime, please pray for this time where I’m trying to figure out how to adjust back into the culture without forgetting the lessons I’ve learned and without coming across as a houighty touighty european wannabe.  I’m sure there’s a balance out there somewhere…

I really will be missing the community aspect of life in switzany though.  It’s a really unique thing I’ve gotten to be a part of, and I’m going to miss doing life with all of them.

fam dinner