Well, I think I’ve mentioned before that the classes here are called “intensives” because they happen so fast and we only have one or two at a time. But this past week was just another little reminder that they are called that for a reason. I had finals for Spring term 1 last week, and I still have a final paper from that term to write by 11AM on Wednesday (the teacher was nice enough to extend the deadline to give us some more time to work on everything else). However… that means that I’ve now begun another session, and I’m still not done with the last one. I’m getting better at adjusting to the system though and I honestly do feel like I’m getting the hang of it. It’s just quite different.
The session I just started today is a 3 week long intensive, but I only have one 5 unit class for the term, so thats good. The class I’m in is Johanine lit. and dean flemming (one of the most renowned bible scholars/teachers in the nazarene church, so I’m told) is the teacher which is great. I had the class today for 3 hours, and it actually was great. I’m really looking forward to this class, and just the fact that I only have that one class to focus on. I just have to get this paper for the last term done and then I’ll be golden…
On another note… the weather here is a little bit bipolar. But being a person that enjoys change I’m actually kind of enjoying it. It’s been sunny and warm a couple days in a row, and then it snowed one day, and was overcast the next day and a half, then sunny for another day, and now today was again overcast and there’s a huge wind storm going on right now. It’s supposed to snow tomorrow.
I am looking forward to it being consistently warm and sunny though. I’m already breaking out the shorts, tanks, and flips. =)
While I’m still having a great time here, I am beginning to miss people from home. and foods from home. I’m not ready to leave this place yet, but I am ready to see those I love. It will be a good celebration time to go home in the summer and see everyone. This is definitely the longest I’ve ever been away from home, but this is also the most peace I’ve felt about being away.
well… back to my paper now. I’ll update you guys on more goings-ons after i turn this baby in on Wednesday!
Joanna….It has been a pleasure getting to know you through your writings. Your family is very special, and although we have only been at the Naz for just under 2 years, we feel like everyone there is family. It is for the honesty that you share here, the same honesty that is woven throughout the church, that we have fallen in love with it and now call it home. God bless you as you continue to press into all that He has called you to…Stephanie Hayden aka Samantha Magneson’s Mom aka “Aren’t you that lady who sings?”