Here are my 26 goals to accomplish before I turn 26 on August 7, 2015
1. Climb another 14er
2. Do a cartwheel
3. Read a Graphic Novel
4. Write/Draw a cartoon/comic series (short or ongoing)
5. Return to Büsingen, Switzerland
6. Read the Brothers Karamozov or Moby Dick
7. Read another Hemingway novel
8. Continue learning Italian (complete work books on my own, take another class, or some tangible effort like this)
9. Start a book project writing biographies on regular everyday-Joe people in the US
10. Write 12 more poems
11. Go to another concert/show
12. Go to a new country
13. Make 4 new oil paintings
14. Get something published in a non-trade-journal magazine
15. Try slack-lining
16. Play disk golf
17. Learn a new card game (and remember how to play it later)
18. Try a completely new food
19. Learn 4 line dances well
20. Try 6 new whiskeys
21. Go to an Imax movie (real movie, not science/museum movie)
22. Read Twilight
23. Read the Psalms at least 30 days in a row and meditate on them
24. Learn all the US Presidents, memorize them. (I’m embarrassed to put this on here, but seriously, this needs to happen now, as it’s way overdue).
25. Learn more about current politics and news and voting schedules.
26. Watch the sun rise over the ocean
Note: I created this In the first week of being 25 and have since already begun accomplishing some! Updates to follow.