Jo’s 26 before 26 list

Here are my 26 goals to accomplish before I turn 26 on August 7, 2015 1. Climb another 14er 2. Do a cartwheel 3. Read a Graphic Novel 4. Write/Draw a cartoon/comic series (short or ongoing) 5. Return to Büsingen, Switzerland 6. Read the Brothers Karamozov or Moby Dick...

Goodbye always makes my throat hurt

About six years ago now, I left my college, and then left my hometown to study abroad at a small school in Switzerland.  And I mean small. I thought that I had read or been told that it was a school of about 500 people. “That’s pretty dang small,” I...

The year of failure — Thoughts for my 25th birthday

In 2 days, I will turn 25. Kind of a big birthday in my eyes. On my last birthday, I wrote a column about the discipline of celebrating what is good, even if life is hard. It was a good piece that I still think I should abide by. The thing is, I wrote about how life...