by jo | Aug 25, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays
I don’t see very many writers who even try to write about the hard things, so the fact that I do it at all seems to set me apart somewhat. The writers that do, do it incredibly, and I learn from them regularly. But that’s something I often hear as feedback: You write...
by jo | Mar 24, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays, Stories By Jo
We sat in a small, barren classroom with approximately twelve standard table desks, in three rows of four. A green chalk board spans the length of the front wall, and a small wooden podium sits off to the side at the front of the room — it holds handouts and chalk,...
by jo | Feb 25, 2014 | Everyday Stories
I had this thought the other day: This is the renaissance of my life. I am learning about music that I like, music that is out there, music that I want to sing along to. Music I want to dance to and music that dances with me. Music that makes me cry, and some that...