by jo | Aug 12, 2014 | Everyday Stories
When I saw that Robin Williams had died, I cried. A few silent tears ran down my cheeks at first. And then they just kept coming. Out of nowhere it seemed, I had grief for a person I had never met. This has happened to me when they are related to someone that I care...
by jo | Aug 6, 2014 | fiction writings & poetry
*This is a fictional short story I wrote as a part of my list of 25 goals to accomplish before I turned 25. This Isn’t Funny A Short work of Fiction by Joanna O’Hanlon “Hi!” she said, smiling while leaning in to give him a peck on the lips when...
by jo | Jun 10, 2014 | Everyday Stories, Travel
It was Halloween day and I was wearing a princess costume. Think Belle’s dress from Beauty and the Beast but in a blue-purple shimmer hue. I dressed that way for work for the costume contest (which I got second place in, but Medusa had actual (fake) snakes in...