by jo | Mar 15, 2016 | Everyday Stories
Over the next few months I’ll be working on a small e-book project about the things no one talks about when they talk about grief. Obviously, I write about grief a lot, and I wish when I was first experiencing grief that I could’ve found some pretty...
by jo | Jan 19, 2016 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays
I’d just told my uncle that I wanted to move. I was living in an area that I’d only moved to for two reasons. The first was that I wanted to move out of my hometown. I’d spent enough time there as an adult, and enough time there after some major life changes to feel...
by jo | Oct 7, 2015 | Memoir & Essays
The dress is white, sleeveless, summery. The fabric is decorated with large, orangish flowers — daisies maybe — flowers painted in a way to give the dress more a sense of womanhood than girlhood. It falls just below my knees, or at least it did the last time I wore...
by jo | Sep 8, 2015 | Memoir & Essays
Selfies are not new. They just do something new. For centuries, probably millennia, people have been creating self portraits. The camera is a unique medium to create self portraiture with though, because while it is still an art form, it’s a mode of capturing as...
by jo | Aug 25, 2015 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays
I don’t see very many writers who even try to write about the hard things, so the fact that I do it at all seems to set me apart somewhat. The writers that do, do it incredibly, and I learn from them regularly. But that’s something I often hear as feedback: You write...