by jo | Mar 15, 2016 | Everyday Stories
Over the next few months I’ll be working on a small e-book project about the things no one talks about when they talk about grief. Obviously, I write about grief a lot, and I wish when I was first experiencing grief that I could’ve found some pretty...
by jo | Mar 1, 2016 | Everyday Stories, Memoir & Essays
When I was a probably four or five years old, I really wanted a horse. I’d been praying for one for a long time. Our next door neighbors had a pasture with horses in it. Our next door neighbors on the other side often had horses in their pasture. And while we...
by jo | Oct 7, 2015 | Memoir & Essays
The dress is white, sleeveless, summery. The fabric is decorated with large, orangish flowers — daisies maybe — flowers painted in a way to give the dress more a sense of womanhood than girlhood. It falls just below my knees, or at least it did the last time I wore...
by jo | Aug 11, 2015 | fiction writings & poetry, The "New" Challenge
Note: These are just in the order I wrote them. I’m including all 12 for posterity, but 1, 4, 5, 10, and 12 are my favorites. #1 10.26.14 Fear of Fragile All of us are dying, that’s the crux of life Life weights you down like a child on your knee ticking off the...
by jo | Jun 16, 2015 | Everyday Stories
photo credit: i’m not okay. via photopin (license) We were sitting in a smaller room in the back of the church and I had made fajitas for my volunteer staff of youth leaders for the middle school youth group I ran at the time. It was during the students’...