Life is still pretty crazy busy, so the blog is still on haitus. However, My birthday has come and gone again which means it’s time for a new goals list for the year.

I give you #Jos28before28:

1. Little Women
2. Something by Faulkner
3. Harry Potter 2
4.The girl’s guide to Hunting and Fishing
5. The Scarlett Letter
6. A nonfiction book

7. Inglorious Bastards
8. Band of Brothers
9. Phantom of the Opera

10. Get up at 6am every weekday for 2 weeks
11. Do a gratitude journal each week
12. Learn 3 songs on the guitar
13. Complete more Italian studies
14. Work out 4 days a week for a month straight (4 weeks)
15. Do 10 minutes of writing daily for 28 days
16. Write 28 letters
17. Cook 10 new recipes
18. Play a round of disc golf at par

19. Ride in a glider plane
20. Carve my name on a tree
21. Visit a trampoline park (facing a fear with this one)
22. Get a library card
23. Return to Rome
24. Try caviar
25. Create a time capsule
26. (Re-)learn how to play chess
27. Go to a day spa
28. Go camping with my dog